


Jacopo Rinaldi (1988, Rome) lives and work in Rome as artist, educator and researcher. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and specialized in Milan with a thesis on the relationship between the Harald Szeemann archive and the architectural space that preserves it. He works as a teacher and assistant at Naba in Rome. Through photography, drawing and moving images he analyzes the relationship between memory, archive and architecture in the transmission of knowledge. His works have recently been exhibited in numerous associations and institutions, including: Palazzo Strozzi, Firenze, PAV, Parco Arte Vivente, Turin; MACRO, Rome; Casa Testori, Novate Milanese; Casa Masaccio, San Giovanni Valdarno; Fondazione Francesco Fabbri, Pieve di Soligo; Rivoli2, Milan. 

He took part in residency programs such as Visio, Mahler LeWitt Studios / Viaindustriae, Careof, Viafarini, Fondazione Spinola Banna, Fondazione Pistoletto, Ramdom association, dOCUMENTA (13).
He is a member of Mnemoscape, a research platform focused on issues related to memory, methodology and the archive.